Sunday, February 7, 2010

Types of cars

The bar chart shows the differences between 4 saloon cars, which are the Corolla, the Golf, the Focus, and the Micra.
The Volkswagen Golf is the most expensive of the four cars. It cost $ 18,250. The Golf is made in Germany and it does 40 miles per gallon which the least economical of the above cars.
The Corolla, the Focus, the Micra almost cost the same price about $15,500. Also they have the same engine size 1400cc except the Micra at 1200cc and the Golf at 1600cc. The Micra is the most economical car. It does 52 miles per gallon.
The table shows the similarities and the differences between the four cars and shows us the size and which is most economical.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

UK Budget

The pie chart shows how much money the U.K government spent on various categories in 1996. It was £ 315 billion in 10 different categories.

The social security was the most important target with £ 100 bn and health services came second with £ 53 bn. The third highest budget goes for education with about 10% less than the second. Debt interest, other expenditure and defence are almost in the same range which about £ 70 bn. £ 37 bn went for other things like housing, transport and industry.

The biggest expenditure of the U.K budget went on social security. However, health, education and debt interest cost more than other things like housing, transport and industry, about 50%.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Olive Oil

How olive oil is made

Producing olive oil is a fairly long and difficult process but if you follow these steps you should end up with good quality oil.

First, between September and December, the olives are harvested by hand or with sticks and rakes. Then they are collected on nets beneath the trees. After that, leaves and small stones are removed and the olives are run through a washer to remove any impurities before crushing. Then, within 24-36 hours of picking, the olives are crushed by granite millstones. The olive paste obtained is layered on mats which are put under pressure from a screw or hydraulic press. The liquid produced is collected and put through a centrifugal separator to separate the water and impurities from the oil. Finally, after centrifugation, the oil is obtained.

Superior olive oil is amber in colour and opaque. The less acidic the oil, the better the quality.

Reflection 3

Sometimes I have to use the present passive in process essays, so I have to use is or are + past participle.
For example:
Butter is made from milk.
Oranges are imported into the UAE.
The most important note is how to use irregular verbs in the correct way.
The rest of a process essay is similar to a procedure essay like linking words which are First, Second, Then, After that, Finally and the introduction, the main and the conclusion.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Process: orange juice

Orange juice is the most popular drink around the world. It is healthy, sweet and fresh. Here is how the juice is produced. First, the oranges are unloaded from the lorries. Then, they are graded, washed and sized. After that the juice is extracted and sent to the evaporation machine. Next, the juice is evaporated and concentrated. After that the juice is stored in a big refrigerator. Next, the juice is canned using the canning machine. After that the cans are shipped and sent to the importing countries. Next, the water is added to the concentrated juice. Finally the juice is sent to the markets.

The UAE and Brunei

The UAE and Brunei are similar in many things. First of all both are beautiful countries and both are safe, modern and organized. The UAE and Brunei are Islamic countries and both have a kindly, helpfull and friendly population. In addition both countries have a strong economy and good concern in industry, education, health and sports. Also both have large natural resources of gas and oil.
Both the UAE and Brunei are different in many ways. For example the location of the UAE is in the Middle East whereas Brunei is in the Far East. Another difference is the language. The UAE speaks Arabic, but Malay is the language of Brunei. Also the weather is totally different. In the UAE it is cold or hot, but in Brunei the weather is moderate all the time.
Both are interesting countries and have a lot of wonderful places. Although both are oil countries, they have a big concern in tourism. There are many places to visit and many things to do. Both have many 5 stars hotels, a lot of malls, museums, beaches and parks. I think the UAE is more active in different sectors than Brunei. Also the UAE is more modern than Brunei, but the last one still has wonderful natural and quiet areas.

216 words

Synonyms 1

Predict = forecast
Compare = contrast
Expelled = thrown out
Species = varieties / types
Processes = stages / methods
Resembles = look like
Negligible = unimportant
Bury = inter
Firm = company