Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to organise a portfolio

Papers, papers, papers. Students often feel overwhelmed by the number of papers they receive from their teachers and it may seem that throwing them in the boot of their car is the best solution. However, it is actually quite easy to organize your class notes into a neat portfolio. Let me outline the steps.
First, find all your papers. You can look for missing papers on the HD1 website. You can also ask a friend and photocopy his papers. Second, sort your papers into logical divisions e.g reading, writing, listening. Next, put your papers into the different sections. After that, buy a binder and some coloured dividers. Write section headings for the dividers and match them with a table of contents page. Finally, make a label for the side of the binder. Include important information e.g. class code, name etc.
As we have seen it is easy to make a portfolio. You will be proud of your neat, well-organised work.

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